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Gajak is a traditional Indian sweet made from sesame seeds or peanuts and jaggery. A step-by-step guide on how to make sesame seed gajak:


- 1 cup white sesame seeds

- 1 cup jaggery (gur)

- 2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter)

- 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder (optional)

- A pinch of edible gum (gond) (optional)

- Some slivered almonds and pistachios (optional)


1. Roasting the Sesame Seeds:

- Heat a heavy-bottomed pan or skillet over medium-low heat. Add the white sesame seeds to the dry pan and roast them, stirring continuously, until they turn golden brown and release a nutty aroma. This should take about 5-7 minutes. Remove the roasted sesame seeds from the pan and set them aside.

2. Preparing the Jaggery Syrup:

- In the same pan, add 2 tablespoons of ghee. Once the ghee melts, add the jaggery and melt it over low heat. Stir continuously to prevent it from burning.

3. Checking Jaggery Consistency:

- To check the jaggery's consistency, drop a small amount of the jaggery syrup into a bowl of cold water. It should form a hard ball when it cools.

4. Combining Sesame Seeds and Jaggery:

- Once the jaggery reaches the right consistency, add the roasted sesame seeds and cardamom powder (if using) to the pan. Also, add edible gum (gond) at this stage if you're using it.

- Stir everything together quickly to coat the sesame seeds evenly with the jaggery syrup.

5. Shaping the Gajak:

- Grease a rolling pin and a flat surface with a little ghee. Place the hot mixture on the greased surface.

- Roll out the mixture into a thin layer using the rolling pin.

- While the mixture is still warm, cut it into desired shapes, typically square or diamond shapes. You can also sprinkle slivered almonds and pistachios on top at this stage.

6. Cooling and Setting:

- Allow the gajak pieces to cool completely. As they cool, they will harden and become crisp.

7. Serving:

- Once the gajak is completely cool and set, carefully remove the pieces from the surface.

- Store the gajak in an airtight container, separated by parchment paper, to prevent sticking.

Your homemade sesame seed gajak is ready to enjoy! It's a sweet and crunchy treat that's perfect for festive occasions or as a sweet snack.